Horse Abbendati!

A wonderful two-day-long ride from Ortona at Orsogna and return.

download-110[1]It is the new project of the Association "Il Cammino di San Tommaso" with the collaboration of Equestrian tourism Center "Miura Club" event organizer "Abbendati riding" plan 28 and 29 June 2014.

Il trekking on horseback is undoubtedly one of the most important and fascinating in the world of slow mobility because it travels just as walking and even with a medium, as far as friend, as the bicycle.

The inseparable and irreplaceable travel companion is the horse with whom during walking, the feeling of being completely immersed in nature is even stronger. It is complete.

"The event was born from the will to marry the experiential tourism project of young Ortona area Association and connect the usual ride organized by our Center in June to, but most of all to philosophy, on the way of St. Thomas that we hope to become a partner of reference for the promotion of equestrian tourism "

explains Blessed Baby, Chairman of the Miura Club Equestrian Tourism Centre. On the morning of departure 28 June by riding Miura Club, lunch at Crecchio and arrival in Orsogna around at 18 with accommodation for riders and horses at the Farmhouse "The Known". On Sunday morning breakfast at the same structure with lunch at Crecchio but on different location from the day before. Arrival in Ortona, Cathedral of Saint Thomas the Apostle "at 17. Also provided the opportunity to rent horses at the stables Miura on Saturday morning 28 June agreement with the structure.

"We immediately picked up the invitation of Benedetta and the Miura Club for the realization of the event-said Elio Carlino, Vice-President of the Association The way of St. Thomas – After beautiful journey Ortona-Rome last year we had not had the opportunity to develop the discourse of the horse and this seems the perfect opportunity to revive the idea on the regional plan saw that Miura Club decided to support in the promotion of the project even after the conclusion of the event for a partnership that will hopefully be as long-lasting as possible. Back from trip to Rome bike Ortona- 6/7 June we will communicate the date of official presentation of the ride and we are seriously considering the possibility of joining a trekking Orsogna-Ortona on Sunday 29 to retrieve the unfortunate event of forgiveness postponed for bad weather. "

Registration costs: 80€ with your horse and horse hire 180 €.

Info: Miura Club Equestrian Tourism Centre (email: #BuonCammino!